Category: General

Hansa Backstage Continues

In between everything else happening here in Hamburg, we've still been cranking out more Hansa Backstage interviews. Much like the Simon and Davefunkel videos, I'm...

The Rules

When I started this website, I made myself some rules. These were based on lessons learned from many other websites (both good and bad), advice...

Just Make It Exist

In writing, it's a first draft. In engineering, it's a prototype. In solo performance, it's something you can perform at an open mike night that...

The Citysearch Advert

A few years back, Chinese New Year and Australia Day happened to fall on the same day. This gave Nicko Place, very good friend and...

Hamburg: The Cast

(Photo: Oliver Fantitsch) I’ve been in Hamburg for a couple of weeks now, and just finished the first week of shows at the Hansa Variety...

The Second You Stop Trying…

As mentioned back in this piece about pleasant surprises, the show I did this year at the Melbourne Magic Festival received a quite startlingly good...

All The Water Bottles

When your job is finding ways to do things that look impossible, doing that job often involves things that would seem a bit odd to...

Four Months in Germany

In early October, I'll be leaving Melbourne to spend four months in Hamburg, Germany. I’m booked to perform at the Hansa Variety Theatre, as part...

The Magic Lecture Circuit

Tonight I will be in Sydney giving a lecture to a bunch of magicians. If you’re into that kind of thing, tickets are available online...

Unexpectedly Featured

A few months back I received an email from Tim Ellis asking me to contact Mark Ellis (no relation), the Arts Editor of The Age...