Author: Simon Coronel

Dubai Detour

The month began with a cruise ship gig. Specifically a monster of a four-ship, twelve-country, fly-all-over-the-damn-world-doing-magic-for-wealthy-septuagenarians cruise ship gig. The schedule: fly from LA to...

Two Magicians, One Mic.

Back in March 2016, a guy called Nick Paul asked me to be a guest on his podcast "Two Magicians One Mic," in which each...

Show Me The Money

I was offered a three month gig in Macau. I accepted it partly for the experience, partly for the stories, but mostly because I needed...

Getting Shanghaied

I was flying to a cruise ship gig. This was good. I had a one-night transit in Shanghai. This was less good. Sure it sounds...

La Cucaracha

As I check in at Honolulu airport, I think about the live cockroach trapped inside my bag. Neither myself nor the cockroach are happy with...

Three Months in Macau

I'm writing this from my dressing room in Macau, which is also going to be my home for the next three months (mainly Macau, but...

Magicians: Life in the Impossible

Last night I went to the premiere of the documentary Magicians: Life in the Impossible. I've witnessed this movie slowly come together over the past five...

Magic Magazine: The Final Issue

One of the reasons this blog has run largely dormant for the past three years is that I've been preoccupied with writing for MAGIC Magazine. Beginning in...

Deep Water at IndyFringe

Dramatic things happened today at the Indianapolis Fringe Festival. I was doing the 6pm performance of my show Alien of Extraordinary Ability while it rained outside. About two thirds...

Stardust on The Street

Woke up. Yawned. Put on shoes to go and buy milk. Walked to the corner shop on Hollywood Blvd. Found a big crowd blocking the...

Last Minute Christmas Theming

After the success of Simon and Ghostfunkel at the Variety Collective Halloween Special back in October, Dave Lee and I were invited to do a...

Photos by Homer

Homer Liwag has a fairly well established reputation for being a goddamn genius. In between his duties as David Copperfield's design director, he's also an...

Simon and Ghostfunkel

A few weeks ago the Variety Collective held its annual Halloween show. Dave Lee and I agreed to put something halloween-themed together. We had some...

The Variety Collective

The Variety Collective is a weekly variety show in Melbourne. It was formed when a bunch of comedians, magicians, musicians, circus artists, and other unconventional...

Five Days in China

Last week I was hired to perform at a Magic Convention in China. It was one of the weirdest - but also greatest - experiences...

Unorthodox Entertainment

A theatre full of orthodox Jews makes for a surprisingly engaging audience. I received a call a couple of months ago from friend, mentor, and...